Belleric Myrobalan Fruit (Bibhitaki) is one of three renowned fruits of Ayurveda (joining Amalaki and Haritaki), and one of three herbs in the widely-used Ayurvedic remedy, triphala.  The Bibhitaki fruit is most commonly grown in the forests and plains of India, and is known for its astringent quality and sour taste.

In Ayurveda, Bibhitaki has been traditionally used to support the digestive tract and general digestive functions, but can also help to support the urinary and respiratory tracts. One notable property of this Ayurvedic fruit is that it is prized for both its laxative and astringent effects; characteristics not typically found within a single herb. With its warming energy, Bibhitaki is considered one of the best herbs for managing a Kapha constitution.